Ds 101
The Down Syndrome Association of Northeast Ohio offers a free Ds 101 seminar to Northeast Ohio schools and educators pertaining to the unique learning of a student with Down syndrome. Educators will learn the basics regarding Down syndrome to help better educate, understand and include their students with Down syndrome.
The objectives of the Ds 101 presentation are to:
- Increase personal awareness and knowledge about Down syndrome
- Discuss common medical issues that can affect learning
- Offer tips, suggestions and best practices for success in teaching & adapting curriculum
- Provide strategies and resources regarding behavior concerns
- Discuss the benefits of inclusive education
Peer Presentations
The Down Syndrome Association of Northeast Ohio provides free classroom or grade-level presentations tailored to help peers address issues related to a classmate with Down syndrome, understand the disability and develop an appreciation of diversity in our schools. Parents and professionals have found that if classmates understand a student’s disability, they are more likely to become allies in helping that student.
The objectives of the Peer Presentations are to:
- Increase students’ personal understanding and knowledge about the similarities & differences between people
- Raise awareness regarding individuals with Down syndrome
- Sharing language that promotes positive attitudes
- Empower students to help support, teach and value a classmate with a disability
To learn more about or schedule a Ds 101 Presentation or Peer Presentation, contact Gina Mitchner, Education Director, at gina@usod.org.